About Us

Bharatiya Vigyan Sammelan (BVS) is a flagship program of Vijnana Bharati initiated as a vehicle to reach the masses in the pursuit of popularizing science and technology and to facilitate interactions within common people and scientific fraternity. BVS is a conglomeration of scientist, artisans,technocrats, traditional innovators, students and common people planned once in two years. It has become an excellent platform to bring together whoever contributes to science and has become anew definition and identity in the field of scientific seminars and symposiums. To date, five bharatiya vigyan sammelans have taken place starting from bhopal (2007), indore (2009),jalandhar (2012), panaji (2015), and pune (2017).

BVS aims to provide a channel of communication between traditional and modern sciences with the prospects of communicating in any bharatiya regional language and not restricting to only english as the preferred language for scientific expression.

BVS wants to champion the cause of bharatiya heritage with cordial synthesis of natural and spiritual sciences; and to motivate young scientists towards greater creativity and originality.

Objectives of BVS 2023 is mention below

  • Explore avenues for deeper scientific interaction between traditional practices /techniques and modern sciences to improve the understanding and effectiveness.
  • Showcase contemporary indian scientific contributions to the society.
  • Promote development and communication of science through regional languages.
  • Showcase grass root innovations made by artisans from different domains,farmers, fishermen and so.
  • Explore feasibility of using traditional science and technology to resolve contemporary issues.


The 6th bharatiya vigyan sammelan and expo is jointly organized by vijnana bharati, Government of Gujarat at Gandhinagar from 28 to 30 octomber,2023

The focal theme of the sammelan is " भारत का विकास भारतीय मूल्यों और नवप्रवर्तन के साथ ": a new integral vision fordevelopment" with an intention to provide anexcellent integrating opportunity to showcase people's science in our indian traditional practices, grass root innovations and also the contributions made by researchers and scientists in modern science.

The scope of bvs 2023 covers invited talks, panel discussions, presentation of research papers both orally and through posters in any indian regional language or in english for this sammelan. We invite scientists, researchers, academicians, technocrats, grass root innovators, farmers, artisans and students who wish to publically share their scientific innovations which have potential to provide sustainable solutions for our country's problems.

Scope of the Sammelan and Call for Abstracts

The Scope of BVS 2023 covers invited talks, panel discussions, presentation of research papers both orally and through posters in any Indian regional language or in English forthis Sammelan.
We invite scientists, researchers, academicians, technocrats, grass root innovators, farmers, artisans and students who wish to publically share their scientific innovations which have potential to provide sustainable solutions for our country's problems.
BVS 2023 invites abstracts for presentation on the following broad areas and sub themes:

Sr No. Particulars Date
1 Research Paper Abstract Submission Start after 20.07.2023
2 Submission of Abstract Before 30.08.2023
3 Acceptance of Abstract By 15.09.2023
4 Submission of Full Paper By 10.10.2023

Sustainable agriculture is to meet society’s food and textile needs in the present scenario without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
It involves preventing adverse effects to soil, water, biodiversity, surrounding or downstream resources as well as to those working or living on the farm or in neighboring areas. Elements of sustainable agriculture can include permaculture, agroforestry, mixed farming, multiple cropping, and crop rotation.
Coordinator:Dr. Kalyan Rao Patil, Dr. Hiren Patel (9898977551)

Climate change describes global warming the ongoing increase in global average temperature and its effects on Earth's climate system. Climate change in a broader sense also includes previous long-term changes to Earth's climate.
Researchers suggests that the most crucial research needs of the coming decades can be captured in crosscutting research themes like sea level rise, agriculture, human health, national security, or other topics of concern.
Theme Coordinator:Shri Harsh Shah

Green energy provides real benefits for the environment since the power comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind and water. Green energy looks set to be part of the future of the world, offering a cleaner alternative to many of today’s energy sources. Readily replenished, these energy sources are not just good for the environment but are also leading to job creation and look set to become economically viable as the development continues.
Theme Coordinator:Dr. Harshit Bhavsar (9662966613) Dr. Sidharth Joshi (9427729739)

India has always been scientifically advanced from ancient to contemporary times. Stalwarts like Kanad to Kalam are some of the famous scientists of India who contributed to that advancement of India. Evidence of this can be found in various historic Indian texts and manuscripts.
The Indian Culture has been the torch bearer in practicing and implementing Science as the way of life. Some of the greatest scientists of the mankind our ancient sages envisaged importance of science and inculcated it deep into our cultural practices. Such scientific practices amalgamated with our cultural beliefs help us lead a happy, peaceful and contended lives.
Theme Coordinator:Dr. Doongar Chaudhary (9427247228) Dr. Daulat Sharma (99045 35914)

Life Sciences is the scientific study of living things. It involves many levels of investiagtion: from the study of the interactions of organic molecules to the interactions of animals and plants with their environment. A few of the major sciences included in this category are zoology, botany, marine biology, microbiology, and entomology.
Theme Coordinator:Dr. Ramesh Kothari (94285 98941), Dr. Himanshu Baria(98982 62247)

India is one of the oldest surviving civilizations of the world with her unique integral science knowledge mediating symbiotic relationship with nature, culture and humankind. This is possible because of her unique traditional design science heritage intertwined and evolved through centuries of refinement. This theme invites contributions from scholars focusing on traditional design science principles as manifested in the tangible and intangible artefacts of everyday living environment, that have relevance across a space-time continuum.
Theme Coordinator:Shri. Ashok Mondal(9830705055) Shri Jitendra Singh(9974354491)

Yoga and Ayurveda are two interrelated branches of the same great tree of Vedic knowledge that encompasses all human life and the entire universe. In this classical Vedic scheme, Ayurveda is the Vedic system developed specifically for healing purposes. There is no other Vedic system of healing apart from Ayurveda. Yoga is the Vedic system of spiritual practice or sadhana. All Vedic sadhana or spiritual practice involves some form of Yoga practice.
Theme Coordinator:Dr. Gaurang Joshi (9825163953) Dr. Pulkit Baxi (93161 13770)

Astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It uses mathematics, physics, and chemistry in order to explain their origin and evolution. Objects of interest include planets, moons, stars, nebulae, galaxies, meteoroid, asteroid, and comets. Relevant phenomena include supernova explosions, gamma ray bursts, quasars, blazars, pulsars, and cosmic microwave background radiation. More generally, astronomy studies everything that originates beyond Earth's atmosphere.
Theme Coordinator:Shri Ankit Sharma(9995796654)

Archaeology is the study of the material remains of past generations. Ranging from the discovery of stone tools made by early humans to the discovery of palaces and cathedrals, archaeological investigations have played a central role in shaping our understanding of how we see the world. Linking to the architectural field, archaeology also examines the construction techniques of buildings, however, the link to architecture is not only limited to that. Archaeology, like architecture, examines the ways in which past societies were organized, and how they transformed the topography and landscape
Theme Coordinator:Shri Ashok Mondal (9830705055) Shri Tejas Kathiriya(9586851485)

For safety professionals, technology is still a versatile tool that can be used to save time, reduce costs, and keep workers safe. Together, technology and safety procedures allow safety professionals to effectively manage and track their safety initiatives and those of their coworkers or employees. It includes workplace safety, educational institute safety, domestic safety, industrial safety, road safety etc..
Theme Coordinator:Shri Manan Pathak(73834 99085)

Science tourism is a travel topic grouping scientific attractions. It covers interests in visiting and exploring scientific landmarks, including museums, laboratories, observatories and universities. It also includes visits to see events of scientific interest, such as solar eclipses.
Theme Coordinator:Shri Ravi Shah (90334 33241)

Grassroots innovation is a community-based approach for sustainable development implemented after understanding and analyzing the ground reality Grassroots innovators are part of a network that is driven by a bottom-up strategy rather than a top-down approach for finding solutions to various local problems and ensuring sustainable development.
Theme Coordinator:Shri Hardik Sakariya (97378 13791)

Music is both an art and a science, and music and science are closely related. Both use mathematical principles and logic, blended with creative thinking and inspiration to arrive at conclusions that are both enlightening and inspirational. It could be said that Science is the music of the intellect, and Music is the science of the heart.
Theme Coordinator:Dr. Ashvini Joshi(9099939630) Shilpa Shah(9879971945) Shreya Pota (9409056589)

Peace engineers work on projects such as developing energy and water resources, bringing technology to areas of conflict or natural disaster, advocating for public safety in engineering decisions and implementing agricultural tools to fight poverty and hunger.
Theme Coordinator:Prof. Shaswatbhai Padalia (8200044754) Dr Sweta Shah(9979884434)

The importance of nanotechnology in Indian Swadesi (indigenous) science started evolving from the ancient era and is still evolving with modern science. Nanotechnology offers an incredible opportunity for India to develop cutting-edge solutions tailored to its unique needs and challenges. By investing in indigenous nanotechnology research and development, India is fostering innovation, create job opportunities, and strengthen its self-reliance in key sectors. Swadesi nanotechnology is potentially revolutionizing healthcare delivery, agriculture practices, energy generation, and environmental sustainability. It is enabling India to leverage its vast scientific and technological expertise to address national priorities and promote inclusive growth. Furthermore, by developing indigenous nanotechnology capabilities, India is reducing its dependence on foreign technologies, enhance national security, and foster a culture of scientific excellence. The integration of nanotechnology into Swadesi nanoscience is also contributing for paving the way for India to become a global leader in this transformative field, making significant contributions to both scientific advancement and socio-economic development
Theme Coordinator:Dr. Shivendu Ranjan (9566763718) Dr. Davit Dhruv (9033981149) Dr. Piyush Solanki(9327088608)

Earth sciences is to understand the present features and past evolution of Earth and to use this knowledge, where appropriate, for the benefit of humankind. Earth sciences, the fields of study concerned with the solid Earth, its waters, and the air that envelops it. Included are the geologic, hydrologic, and atmospheric sciences
Theme Coordinator:Dr. Mrugesh Trivedi (94296 13901),

Registration Charges

Sr No. Particulars Amount
1 Individual delegates 2000/-
2 Delegates (Member of Vijnana Bharati and its organization) 1000/-
3 Students (NON-MEMBER) 500/-
4 Student (Member of Vijnana Bharati and its Organization) 300/-
5 Institute Delegates (Per Institute One Person) 300/-
Conference Theme Date
Sustainable Agriculture
Climate Change
Green Energy Green Future
Indian Knowledge System
Life Science
28 Oct 2023
Earth Science
Archaeology and Architect
Innovation and Technology in Safety for
Social Cause
Science Tourism
29 Oct 2023
Ayurveda and Yoga
Grass Root Innovation
Sciences in Musics and Arts
Engineering Role for Peace
Nano Technology
Traditional Design Science Knowledge
30 Oct 2023

Our Team

Our focus is on delivering you the absolute best support guiding you through training and providing.


  • Shri Bupendrabhai Patel
  • Chief Minister
  • Government of Gujarat
  • Shri Rushieksh Patel
  • Hon'ble Cabinet Minister
  • Government of Gujarat
  • Shri Mulubhai Bera
  • Hon'ble Cabinet Minister
  • Government of Gujarat
  • Dr. Kuber Dindor
  • Hon'ble Cabinet Minister
  • Government of Gujarat
  • Shri Harsh Shanghvi
  • Hon'ble State Minister
  • Government of Gujarat
  • Dr. Shekhar Mande
  • Hon'ble President
  • Vijnana Bharati


  • Shri. Nilesh Desai, Director, SAC-ISRO, Ahmedabad
  • Dr. Anil Bhardwaj, Director, Physical Research Laboratory
  • Dr. Shailendra Saraf, Director, NIPER
  • Dr. Girish Bhimani, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Saurastra University
  • Prof. (Dr.) Vijay Kumar Srivastava, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, M.S.U
  • Dr. Neerja Gupta, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Gujarat Univeristy

National Organizing Committee

  • Dr. L S Rathore, Vice President, Vijnana Bharati
  • Dr. Vasant Shinde, Vice President, Vijnana Bharati
  • Dr. Satheesh Shenoi, Vice President, Vijnana Bharati
  • Dr. Sudhir Bhadauria ji, Secretary General, Vijnana Bharati
  • Shri. Praveen Ramdas, Secretary, Vijnana Bharati
  • Dr. Arvind Ranade, Secretary, Vijnana Bharati
  • Shri. Vivekananda Pai, Secretary, Vijnana Bharati
  • Shri Vijay Sakhlecha, Tresurer, Vijnana Bharati
  • Dr. Ranjana Agrawal, National Governing Counsil Member, Vijnana Bharati
  • Dr. N P Shukla, National Governing Counsil Member, Vijnana Bharati
  • Dr. Vidyadhar Vaidya, National governing Counsil Member, Vijnana Bharati
  • Dr. Anil Kothari, Director General, MPCOST
  • Shri. Naresh Chafekar, Secretary Vigyan Bharati Vidarbha Pradesh Mandal
  • Dr. Pramod K. Verma, President, Malva prant, Vijnana Bharati
  • Dr. Manasi Malgaonkar, Secretary, Paschim Maharashtra Prant
  • Shri. Ch. Mu. Krishna Shastri, Sanskrit Bharati ex. Akhil Bharatiya Sangathan Mantri
  • Prof. Rajeev Singh, Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, University of Delhi


BVS Expo, a unique exhibition & attraction of BVS will be held during 28th to 30th October, 2023 at Gandhinagar. It is a part of the Bharatiya Vigyan Sammelan 2023 (BVS).
This exhibition intends to showcase the innovations and achievements in science and technology, traditional arts, crafts, practices and contemporary grass root innovations from different parts of India.
Additionally, it will also showcase the Indian achievements in science and technology by several organizations such as ISRO, PRL, IPR, DAE, DST, DBT, CSIR, DRDO, ICAR, ICMR, MNRE, MOES, and the like. Many academic institutions like Universities, IITs, NITs, IISERs along with a large number of innovators are expected to showcase their achievements.

Main features of BVS 2023 EXPO are:

  • Featuring Indian Innovations in Science and Technology
  • Many Government Departments, Councils, PSUs, Industries and Institutes at same location, enable them to interact with general public directly
  • Highlighting indigenous scientific applications in Society
  • Inter-discipline applications of Indian Science
  • Opportunity for Scientific and Research Organizations from all over the country to showcase their projects/work
  • Creating awareness about Indian Science and Scientists among students
  • Providing platform to young scientists, innovators and artisans to interact
  • Promoting Science and Indian Languages


  • Ministries/Departments of Government of Gujarat and State
  • Governments, Corporations and Local Authorities
  • Indian Scientific, Research Councils and Organizations, Scientific R&D Labs
  • Industries, PSUs, Start-Ups and Private Sector Organizations
  • Universities, Institute of National Importance, Educational Institutes
  • SSIP, Startups, Innovations, Craftsman's, NGO's
  • Students from Higher Education and School Education

Participation Charges:

  • Platinum Sponsorship - Rs. 50,00,000 (Fifty Lacs)
  • Diamond Sponsorship - Rs 35,00,000 (Thirty-Five Lacs)
  • Gold Sponsorship - Rs 25,00,000 (Twenty-Five Lacs)
  • Silver Sponsorship - Rs 15,00,000 (Fifteen Lacs)
Sr No. Stall Category Stall Description Sponsorship Amount(In Rs.) Complimentry Pass
1 A 12M X 6M - Premium Stall 15,00,000 5
2 B++ 6M X 6M (Three side open stall) 10,00,000 3
3 B+ 6M X 3M (Two side open stall) 7,00,000 3
4 B 6M X 3M (Front side open stall) 5,00,000 3
5 C+ 3M X 3M (Two side open stall) 3,00,000 2
6 C 3M X 3M (Front side open stall) 1,50,000 2


Accomodation facility given to only delegates, expert speakers, panalist, invitees. Noaccommodation given to participants. On request basis helps to provide accomodationto participate chargable basis.


  • STUDENT (NON-MEMBER) - RS. 500/-